PipeRenew® | Advanced Pipeline Blockage Removal — Ideal Energy Solutions

Advanced Pipeline Blockage Removal

Our remediation solution that removes paraffin wax and asphaltene blockages in any flow line or pipeline.
Temperature independent and custom blended to penetrate plugs over any length of pipe.

Environmentally responsible | Green Seal® Certified



  • Migrates: PipeRenew® is heavier than any production fluid or solvent, allowing it to migrate to blockages and displace and collect lighter fluids.

  • Penetrates: PipeRenew® has a low surface tension that allows it to penetrate the area between blockages and pipe walls,  as well as any cracks or crevices in the deposited material.

  • Neutralizes: PipeRenew® neutralizes the charge associated with paraffin stickiness, causing the paraffin to no longer be able to stick to the pipeline wall.

  • Reacts: PipeRenew® reacts with the portion of oil that contributes to acidity, creating a simple soap. This soap helps break the paraffin apart, enabling it to be pumped.


  • Temperature independent: PipeRenew® is effective at removing paraffin, asphaltenes, or mineral scales over a wide range of temperatures, even below 34℉. 

  • Size independent: PipeRenew® can be used on pipelines of any size or length, making it ideally suitable for all applications.

  • Non-hazardous and environmentally responsible: PipeRenew® is environmentally responsible and will not harm the surrounding environment.

  • Flexible: PipeRenew® is activated with seawater, produced water, or fresh water, and can be used for both onshore and offshore applications.

Want to know more?


PipeRenew® Pipeline Optimization

Download our Pipeline Flow Optimization Fact Sheet and PipeRenew® Comparison Guide to see how our safe and effective alternative can restore flow and clear blockages and prevent future build-ups.




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